Have you ever asked you self, why do I feel left behind? How do I get ahead? Is there more to life than this tread mill that I am on? How do we deal with life's hard knox?

Nau mai, haere mai ki tenei korero! Nga mihi ki a koutou ma. Welcome to todays blog. I do not think that there has not been a time in my life that I have not asked such questions. And, if I am honest, I have lernt that I am influenced by such questions when I'm; tied or un-healthy (physically, spiritually, menatally and socially), if I am looking for other peoples approval and or when I have lost my vision.
Old wisdon says, a people without a vision parish. When we start the mind games, questions like above, we tend to focus on ourselves and or go to some dark places. Vision, by contrast, makes us look to the horizon, to that which is just out of sight. To the things that is not yet here. Moreover, it asks us to consider is there something greater than me? Vision calls me to action in response.
Vision calls for Action
The act of looking to the horizon, lifts your head up. This action, of lifting ones head, has become an important activity for me when it comes to bee keeping. I not only have to plan for the next season, if we are in winter then spring, in spring then summer etc., so that I can keep ahead of what is needed to keep our bees healthy. Or what I need to do to prevent a swam (when the queen flies away with half the hive). Lifting the head, could also be for weekly activities. Have my hives got enough honey suppers, is the brood OK, is the queen laying OK? All of these actions are for the expectation of a harvest of honey at the end of summer. The vision, is the harvest of honey. The calls to action, is the planning that goes into looking after the hive and our bees.
“Vision, by contrast, makes us look to the horizon.”
Currently in New Zealand, mental health is getting a lot of air time. More young people are killing themselves, with Maori men more likely to commit suicide than any other part of New Zealand society. The questions in our heads and the dark places they can lead us is not good. Maybe it is time to look to the horizon, and if a whanau member, a friend, work mate struggles to lift their head, lets do it for them till they are strong enough to do for themselves.
The act of looking to the horizon, lifts our heads to all matters relating to physical, spiritual, whanau as well as mental health issues. Maybe it is time, to be creative and find a vision that calls for action. Where, you are lifting your head to see what is possible. Every time I see our bees, the vision calls for action!
11 Feb 2019